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Transformation post
July 17, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

Presenting to You, Karthik M’s GOGETFIT Journey

Meet Karthik, a dedicated fitness trainer at Snap Fitness (JK Fitness) in Davanagere, who transformed his passion for fitness into a remarkable journey of self-improvement with GOGETFIT. Karthik’s journey with GOGETFIT is a testament to the power of a science-backed approach to fitness. "You can either have results or excuses, not both," kept Karthik going unstoppable throughout his GOGETFIT journey.


Transformation Overview:

  • Weight: 72kg to 65kg
  • Fat Percentage: 22% to 9%
  • BMI: 26.7 to 24 (Overweight to Normal weight)
  • Time Taken: 6 months
  • GOGETFIT Coach: Prajwal


Aspiring To Be A Fitness Professional

I always wanted to take fitness as my career. I always wanted to carry a toned physique that everyone dreams of, which would, in turn, help me get clients. I knew that I started working on my physique all by myself. I started gathering information from my friends who are self-acclaimed fitness trainers. All I got to know is that to put on muscles, I will have to eat more, lift more, and include a lot of chicken, supplements, and eggs in my diet. To lose fat, I need to remove certain food items or an entire food group from my diet like rice and carbs, add fat burner capsules, and should focus more on cardio. But the missing piece was a deeper understanding of the science behind it all, and none of them knew what it is.


Navigating Misguided Advice

Somewhere in my mind, I always knew that I was going in the wrong direction. As my entire surrounding was following the same, I never got a chance to understand the science. I kept doing what I knew and what I was asked to do. I also came across trainers asking me to go for steroids if I wanted to take my physique to the next level, and this is the only way one can achieve that dream-toned physique or forget that physique. I always wanted to carry a natural physique. I never wanted to try steroids. Hearing this, my dream got shattered, and I was left behind.


Determination To Find The Right Path

I still did not give up. I wanted to level up. I stopped taking advice from trainers and started gathering information through the internet. But, there are so many myths circulating on the internet related to diet and fitness. And I was totally confused about what to accept, what is real, unreal, truth. I was left baffled this time. But, I never stopped. I tried various fad diets available on the internet, got little to no results. I kept going; I never stopped. My journey was a mix of learned perceptions and fads, and I sought a more scientific approach.


Discovering GOGETFIT

The turning point came when I discovered GOGETFIT through Prajwal, who introduced me to this platform. He made me join their Facebook group GOGETFIT. All the articles were a comprehensive presentation on the science of fitness. He made me go through articles. All the articles were science-backed, well-written, and also in layman's words. I started discussing things with Prajwal for further information and never went unsatisfied. Knowledge is one thing, and implementing is the other. I wanted both. This paved the way for my enrollment under Prajwal.


A Game-Changing Experience With GOGETFIT

Enrolling under a coach proved to be a game-changer. Prajwal’s guidance, tailored diet, and workout plan aligned seamlessly with my lifestyle. The process was not just about getting fit but understanding the science behind it. My GOGETFIT journey was a well-planned process, and my coach eased my journey further. I started seeing changes in my physique. I was able to transform into my dream physique ‘The Right Way’. I was never this happy. I am now at the peak of my fitness journey. Loads of love and prayers to my coach Prajwal.


Becoming A GOGETFIT Coach

I am now gearing up myself to be one of the GOGETFIT coaches and help others who are at the same stage that I was once. I would love to help people GOGETFIT. In short, I would like to say, "The right guidance can make all the difference."

Karthik's GOGETFIT Journey

Transformation posts